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Welcome to PalWeb, the online hub for the study & research of Palestinian Arabic, the Palestinian dialect of Spoken Arabic. If you're ready to start learning Spoken Arabic, you've come to the right place!

My name is R. Adrian: project manager, website developer, curriculum designer, dictionary writer & creator of PalWeb. I'm not Palestinian; I began learning Arabic from scratch in university & developed those skills while working on & off in Palestine over the years. I have a BA in Anthropology & an MA in Middle Eastern Studies (Palestine Studies).

PalWeb traces its origins back to May 2020 with the publication of the first video on the Learn Palestinian Arabic channel (now PalWeb TV) on YouTube. During the first two years or so of the project, static learning resources were being posted on Patreon. In November 2021, I had the idea of creating a website that could host all the resources I had created & adapt the videos I had posted to YouTube in a more interactive format. I didn't know anything about web development, so the site was extremely basic at first. However, in May 2022 I learned PHP (Laravel) & Javascript (Vue) to materialize my vision of an interactive portal for learning Palestinian Arabic that could overcome the limitations of traditional materials; the result was the Learn Palestinian Arabic site, officially launched in May 2023. In 2024, PalWeb as such was born.